Club By Laws

The following By-Laws relate to Club attendance and social requirements at the Lae Yacht Club.

  1. Members are to observe any reasonable direction given by a Committee Member or the Club Manager.
  2. Members are to be attired in neat, clean and tidy dress at all times.  No work clothes will be permitted after 1800 hours.
  3. Physical and/or verbal abuse will not be tolerated on Club Premises.
  4. All parking zones and traffic flow directions, as designated by the Club from time to time, are to be strictly observed.  Car parking is restricted to members’ vehicles only, and vehicles must display a current Club Car Pass.
  5. A vehicle and trailer speed of 5 K.P.H. in the Club area is to be strictly adhered to.
  6. Visitors – Members shall have the privilege of introducing visitors to the Club, provided that their names are entered in the Visitor’s Book on each occasion, that they are introduced, signed by the member and countersigned by the visitor, and subject to the by-laws of the Club, including the following conditions:-
    • A member may introduce not more than three (3) visitors on any one day, and after the first visit, no member shall introduce the same visitor or visitors again within one month, or more than three times within one year. Additional visits may be approved by the Committee Duty Officer or Club Manager with respect to special functions as held from time to time.
    • Visitors shall be the guests of the member introducing them, who shall be responsible for their entertainment and for their behaviour and shall remain with them for the entire period of their visit to the Club.
    • The Committee may refuse admission to visitors at any time.
    • The Commodore, or in his absence a member of the Executive Committee, may introduce visitors under special circumstances, and assign them to a selected host or hosts while they are in the Club. The names of such visitors shall be entered in the Visitor’s Book as guests of the Committee, acting for the Club, and no regulation restricting visitors shall apply to them.
    • A visitor shall not be supplied with liquor on the Club premises unless at the invitation and in the company of the introducing member.
    • A visitor may not previously have had an application for membership of the Club rejected on grounds other than limitation of numbers, and may not previously have been banned from the Club.
  7. Family members of individual club members aged 18 years and over who frequent the Club, are required to become members under an appropriate class of membership.
  8. Children are to be accompanied by a club member at all times when on Club Premises, That Member shall be considered responsible for the children’s care, safety and supervision. Children are not permitted to purchase, or be supplied alcoholic or tobacco products from the Club.
  9. Current Financial Members of recognised Yacht Clubs within P.N.G. are exempt from payment of nomination fees when applying for membership with the Lae Yacht Club.
  10. At the discretion of the Manager and/or committee, members and/or committee members may cash cheques to the value of K200.00 subject to the availability of change. Members are required to clearly print their name and membership number on the reverse side of the cheque.
  11. Club premises are to be vacated promptly at closing times or as and when directed by the Club Manager or an Executive Committee Member.
  12. Temporary membership may be granted at the discretion of the Manager and/or Committee. Such membership may be awarded to short term visitors to Lae. Maximum term of membership will be three (3) months and will cost K100.00 per month, with a refundable additional charge of K150.00 for membership key.
  13. De-facto relationships will only be accepted as husband and wife if the de-facto relationship has existed continuously for a minimum of the previous six (6) months.
  14. No member may participate in any commercial activity on or from Lae Yacht Club premises without first obtaining permission from the Committee. Submissions to the Committee for such permission must be in writing. The Committee reserves the right to refuse or restrict any such commercial activity.
  15. Commercial parties wishing to use Lae Yacht Club facilities for testing non-registered boats must firstly obtain permission from the Management. Tests may only be carried out Monday through Friday during normal working hours providing there is no obstruction or inconvenience to full boat owning members or marina occupiers. A fee may be charged for such use at the discretion of the Committee.
  16. All regulations contained within the LYC Members Handbook are hereby given the power of by-laws of the Lae Yacht Club Incorporated. Any changes made to the LYC Members Handbook so authorised by the LYC Committee from time to time will also by definition be automatically adopted as by-laws of the Club.

As of 1st March, 2013